dnes je 22.12.2024

Nepřístupný dokument, nutné přihlášení

Strength from adversity

25.10.2022, , Zdroj: Verlag Dashöfer

Sometimes it’s not good to have life easy. Some of the worst events and worst decisions take place when life seems smooth for a significant period. There are so many examples of this- we can find it in the economy, in the security of nations, in personal life, even in sport. When I look back at the 1990’s in the UK I see easy travel, easy money, comfortable security. I know it wasn’t like that everywhere: the Czech Republic I recall had plenty of worries about money in those times, and travel was not easy.

In terms of security, I recall the strong arm of NATO reaching into the Balkans to protect the Kosovan Albanians there from ultra-nationalist Serbs. Yet, even as US-led NATO was demonstrating mastery, a

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