Otázky a procvičení k 12. lekci
Look at the following address by a eurorealist „expert” on government to a group of people in the EU bureaucracy. Can you understand what he's talking about, using the language of the past exercises to help you? Fill in the gaps with words from the last seven exercises.
Ladies and Gentlemen, MEPs, Members of the 1. ……………………………, Commissioners.
The topic of discussion today is the working of the EU - how we 2. ……………………………, and what problems there might be with that process.
Of course there are always problems with the 3. ……………………………to …………………………… of the EU - always complaints about 4. …………………………… or example. My worries however are more to do with the fact that people in Europe can't see what we are doing, the so-called lack of transparency. This adds to what people have called the democratic deficit (where people don't have enough say in what the EU does). True, members of the 5. …………………………… are 6. ………………………… by member states, but this happens quite infrequently. True, people 7. …………………………… for members of the European 8. ……………………………, but this Parliament mainly has powers to 9. …………………………… and rarely 10. ………………………………