dnes je 14.3.2025

Nepřístupný dokument, nutné přihlášení

The future comes knocking on the door – is anyone home? The answer is probably yes

16.5.2017, , Zdroj: PoMateřské.cz (www.pomaterske.cz)

Home office has been around for a long time- at least five years as an understood part of working life. Of course it hasn't been very common during this period, and has often been limited to those with a strong need, such as mothers of young children, or people with illnesses that prevent them being in the office but don't stop them from working.

As time goes on, however, there is a snowball effect. This means that the more it is used, the more people and employers are attracted to it, the more they explore it, the more uses they find for it. From making more space available to workers, to keeping people actively involved in company

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