dnes je 7.3.2025

Nepřístupný dokument, nutné přihlášení

Scooting along

23.8.2022, Zdroj: Verlag Dashöfer

It’s been a hot summer so far, and great to see so many people enjoying time outside enjoying themselves. For me, the best time for exercise is the evening, when the heat is lower and there is often a freshness to the breeze, and the most sustainable kind of exercise is to walk. While walking, especially at night towards the weekend, you see so many people coming and going. Prague’s nightlife is starting to live again after Covid (perhaps this will not last far into the Autumn, but I hope so). The taxis picking people up and dropping them off, groups of drinkers on street corners, the hum of music clubs playing late into the evening: all these are signs of what I call normality.

One thing however is rather different compared to a few years

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